Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin und Globale Gesundheit e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin
und Globale Gesundheit e.V.
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German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)

Aims and tasks of the Society

The DTG was founded in 1907 and currently has about 1300 members. As a scientific society, it aims to bring together physicians, medical researchers, veterinarians, natural and social scientists who practice, research, advise or are particularly interested in the fields of tropical medicine and global health. The DTG is a member of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) and of the Federation of European Societies of Tropical Medicine and International Health (FESTMIH).

The areas of Tropical Medicine and Global Health deal with the medical and health problems in the tropics and subtropics and in developing countries. This includes all aspects of clinical medicine, hygiene and microbiology, epidemiology, social and environmental medicine and related subjects.

In addition to research into and control of diseases of the tropics and developing countries, an important field of activity is Travel Medicine, i.e. the diagnosis and treatment of imported diseases among travelers and migrants, as well as preventive medical advice and care for travelers before and after stays in the tropics, subtropics and developing countries. The DTG has set up a Standing Travel Medicine Committee (StAR) for this task, consisting of representatives from various tropical institutes, societies and institutions, who are working on evidence-based statements on current travel medicine issues.

The tasks of the DTG include the exchange of experience between Germany and abroad, the promotion of research and teaching, the promotion of young talents, the support of further education in this field, both in Germany and in tropical countries, the advice to authorities, organizations and media as well as the information in the field of tropical and travel medicine, including the development of up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines and recommendations. The society pursues exclusively non-profit and scientific purposes in the sense of the non-profit regulation of 24.12.1963.

DTG organizes a scientific congress every year, during which the ordinary general meeting of the members takes place.